Step into a New Era of Digital Innovation

In the dawn of Web 3.0, it's time to shape the vision for your metaverse venture. At Meta61, we lead the charge in metaverse development and consulting, forging a seamless link between digital and physical realms, and establishing robust multi-dimensional economic ecosystems.

Why Immerse Yourself in the Metaverse?
Exploring the Metaverse Market's Remarkable Growth:

1) From $122 Billion to Projected $400 Billion: The metaverse market set to soar by 2025 (BCG).
2) Over $120 billion invested in the metaverse in 2022 (McKinsey).
3) A staggering 79% of active metaverse users engage in transactions (McKinsey).

Elevated Collaboration:
1. Foster seamless collaboration in a shared virtual space.
2. Enhance meaningful interactions and collaborative efforts.

Refined Training Experiences:
1. Empower employees through immersive training programs.
2. Refine skills, expand knowledge, and enhance safety awareness.

Exceptional Customer Service:
1. Provide a virtual space for enriched customer interactions.
2. Ensure swift issue resolution for an enhanced support experience.

Innovative Revenue Streams:
1. Unlock novel revenue avenues through virtual goods and services.
2. Offer premium access to exclusive metaverse features and experiences.

Comprehensive Metaverse Development Services

At Meta61, our consulting services encompass strategic planning, opportunity identification, concept formulation, and integration strategy. We optimize metaverse opportunities, devise transition plans, diversify offerings, and secure investor backing.

1. Metaverse strategy assessment & market research
2. Preparation of token economic strategies
3. Creation of use cases & user flows
4. Technical feasibility evaluation & technology stack selection
5. Research-based roadmapping

Crafting Immersive Virtual Worlds:

1. Covering business logic, interactive design, and infrastructure.
2. From engineering to financial layers and interconnectivity.

1. Engineering of metaverse applications
2. Custom 3D modeling & asset development
3. Implementation of crypto infrastructure & VR/AR solutions
4. Development of metaverse NFTs & NFT marketplace
5. Creation of play-to-earn games & gamification mechanisms

Seamless User Experience and Brand Coherence:

1. Integration with third-party data and service providers.
2. Integration & migration of metaverse blockchain.

1. Incorporation of payment systems, gateways, and wallets
2. Implementation of NFTs & NFT-based products
3. Engineering of fault-tolerant utilities & extensions

Fortifying Metaverse Security:

* Utilizing cutting-edge technologies like blockchain.
* Ensuring advanced protection, fraud prevention, and reputation preservation.

1. Development and implementation of metaverse security policies and controls
2. Verification and validation of users & identity management
3. Validation, transfer, and access granting of assets
4. Value transfer in decentralized systems
5. Metaverse security training for employees

Tailored Solutions for Diverse Business Needs:

1. Delivering diverse metaverse use cases.
2. Creating captivating experiences that unlock new revenue streams.

With a legacy in blockchain since 2013 and VR/AR since 2016, we now offer complete metaverse and NFT solutions.

1. Expertise in Metaverse, VR/AR/MR, and storytelling
2. Real-time asset creation and optimization skills
3. Hands-on experience in DeFi and NFTs
4. Proficiency in branding and marketing best practices

Empowering Distributed Systems:

1. Reliable communication, architecture, protocols, and databases.

1. Golang, C/C++, Java, C#
2. Container and orchestration: Docker, Kubernetes, Nomad
3. Unreal Engine-powered blueprints
4. Azure toolkit: Synapse Analytics, Azure AI, Azure IoT, Azure Maps

Innovative NFT Design:

1. Blending technology, art, and culture in storytelling.

2. Seamless UI/UX development
3. User flow analysis and refinement
4. Tokenomics planning
5. Interoperability optimization

Services We Offer

Embrace the Emerging Tech towards Exceptional
Customer Experience and Brand Trust