At Meta61, we are committed to propelling your business forward, even in the face of unforeseen challenges. Since our inception in 2018, we have grown into a seasoned engineering service provider and a comprehensive IT consultancy firm, rooted in the latest technology trends.

1. Empowering Startups for Success

Your Scenario:
- Aspire to embark on a groundbreaking tech project
- Possess a well-conceived project idea or a concrete concept
- Hold venture capital in reserve

Our Commitment:
- Assess the financial viability of your idea
- Develop a strategic growth plan
- Construct an engineering roadmap
- Minimize associated costs
- Enhance productivity and ROI
- Provide dedicated developers if necessary
- Expedite the delivery of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

From tech integration to solution conceptualization, our consultants thrive on conquering challenges, guiding you through intricate competitive landscapes with innovation best practices.

2. Technology-Driven Enterprise Transformation

Don't leave legacy systems to chance. With expertise in blockchain, AI, IoT, AR/VR, and big data, we offer a tailored, iterative path for a comprehensive business overhaul.

- Define outdated system architectures
- Opt for future-proof on-premise or cloud-based infrastructures
- Provide guidance on innovative software implementation
- Create a long-term roadmap for the safe adoption of solutions

3. IT Product Strategy Consultation

Our team crafts pragmatic tech solution strategies with precision and focus, delivering project plans that yield results, emphasizing meticulous resource allocation.

- Craft a phase-by-phase technical vision
- Devise a high-level architecture
- Offer suggestions for prototyping options
- Outline the scope and estimate costs

4. Technology Advisory Services

Tailor your technology stack to align with specific business requirements. Our robust team of analysts collaborates closely with the IT consultancy team to assist clients in overcoming any technological hurdles.

- Determine the most suitable programming language
- Choose from a range of cutting-edge development platforms
- Make decisions regarding storage and deployment infrastructures
- Identify appropriate security measures
- Evaluate engineering and customization scopes

5. Specialized IT Consultancy Assignments

No task, no matter how small, is underestimated. Entrust any phase of your IT lifecycle to us — it will be handled with utmost responsibility.

- IT solutions consultation and deployment
- IT infrastructure management and upgrades
- Budgeting for IT delivery environments
- Cybersecurity consultation
- Risk and compliance analysis
- IT infrastructure support
- IT management consultancy services
- Website accessibility audit

Streamline Your Existing Processes

Connect with our experts to strategize your business transformation, outline a digital product strategy, energize critical operations, prevent overloads, and trim costs for digital services. At Meta61, we're here to empower your journey towards a tech-first future.

Services We Offer

Embrace the Emerging Tech towards Exceptional
Customer Experience and Brand Trust